sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020

Mirror mirror

Mirror mirror, 

David just passes in front of the mirror, look at himself, and ask:

David: I look like shit! ... Why am I feeling so miserable?
The mirror: The question is how are you letting yourself feel miserable?
David: Who are you?
The Mirror: Ahh, what is your name?
David: My name is David. 
The Mirror: My name is David
David: (small laugh) Ha. Did you just say your name is David because I said My name is David?
The mirror:  I guess so. I am your reflection. I don't know what name I would have if I wasn't reflecting you. 
David: (pause) very disturbed) If I said my name is Laura. What would be your name?
Mirror: My name is... Laura. 
David: (swallow thinking that he may be getting crazy) So, Laura, you are my reflection right now, right? So you know exactly why I am feeling so lost and miserable, right?
Mirror: Sorry, I got confused.  What is your name again?
David: David. 
Mirror: So, why did you call me Laura? 
David: I was just messing with you. Can you feel how I feel right now? This Anxious, this sadness. I don't know how I got to this point. 
Mirror: Well, David. I think I reflect on how you feel but I don't know why is that. I just feel. I am not you, I don't have your memories and your past. I am just now. What I know for sure is that you have been asking the wrong questions. 
David: How so?
Mirror: Well, not knowing your past, your memories, not knowing what you had for breakfast or example...
David: Eggs
Mirror: What?
David: You said, you don't know what I had for breakfast, am sorry, continue, please... 
Mirror: I live the present, I am only able to reflect and feel and experience your present. Not your past, your regrets, not your sad or happy memories, not your worries. And that is how I think you should live. The present. 
David: What you know about life if you never left this room. You never met anybody else, you never fell in love. 
Mirror: This word. I've heard so many times before, and every time you are happy you always sing this song: "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you never know dear, how much I love you..."
David: Are you spying on me?
Mirror: I know what love is and I had fallen in love too. 
David: (mesmerized) How, how is that possible?
Mirror: There was this bird that went through that window and started to sing for me, just the way you do. The sound of his voice, the way he looked at me, with admiration, and astonishing. I could feel exactly how I reflected you when you sing that song. I could feel in love. At that moment I was complete. At that moment I did not need anything else. 
David: And what happened next? 
Mirror: You entered the room and the only moment I felt loved flew away. And every day since I hope to see Mr. French again. 
David. Mr. French, is that the name of the bird? 
Mirror: Well, he never told his name. I guess I had to give him one. 
David: Wow. 
Mirror: And that is how I know you have been asked the wrong questions. How are you letting yourself feeling miserable if you have everything to be happy? You must concentrate on the now. Live constantly in the present, not regretting the past, not losing time worrying too much about the future. Because at any moment, the present of you now could fly through the window and never come back.