The new year presents itself!
Another challenge!
And I mean a good challenge.
Maybe you won't be able to see the sun everyday but it will be there,
365 days, shinning for you.
There will be 365 new starts,
There will be 365 chances to do it right.
365 chances to say sorry,
365 chances to forgive.
365 new possibilities.
And you don't need to pic just one.
365 new chances to be who you want.
365 new job opportunities,
365 new dates,
365 chances to love.
And there will be those days...
Those cloudy days that seam nothing get right.
You'll feel a little grumpy. A little blue.
Yes, there will be the days that seams no one see how hard you try to make one happy.
Life is not easy.
But life is giving you 365 presents.
And every single one is brand new.
365 chances to see you are not the only one trying to get it right!
365 chances to leave the stupid little things and see what really matters.
In 2016 you will have 365 chances to khow life is treating you kindly.
You have someone to love,
You have someone that loves you.
Happy New Year!